HOMENews and MediaKeep Our Land GrandLanguage Art/English Projects
Contact ODOT

Research paper on the effects litter has on the environment:

Students: Use your school library to find information on the effects litter has on the environment. From this information write a research paper using your teacher’s specifications.

Teachers: Help students get familiar with your school library if they are not already. Students may need direction to find the appropriate information for this paper. The litter fact sheet can help with this assignment.

Persuasive essay contest:

Students: Using the information you gathered while writing your research paper, compose a persuasive essay encouraging citizens not to litter. You will enter this essay into a classroom/school contest; make sure you are very persuasive in your writing. Submit to your local newspaper or student newspaper for possible publication.

Teachers: Contact the local newspaper and the school newspaper and request permission to submit essays. Consider giving extra credit if they are published.

Research new litter facts and produce a new litter facts sheet:

Students: Research litter facts and compile a new litter fact sheet, similar to the one ODOT uses.

Teachers: Show your students the fact sheet ODOT provides. Use it as an example while they are compiling their own fact sheets. Assist students in researching new litter facts relevant to their town or school. After they have a list of litter facts, help them compile their fact sheet. Allow them to present their findings to the rest of the class. Submit well–researched facts with documentation to your school paper.

Reading contest:

Students: Pick books to read from the list your teacher has provided for you. Remember this is a reading contest, so read as many books as you can from the list.

Teachers: Ask your librarian to help you compile a list of books that relate to the effects litter has on the environment and any other environmental books that are educational. Supply your students with this list and encourage them to read as many books as they can in a set period of time. The students who read the most books win prizes of your choice. Give out awards (KOLG promotional items can be used), and post a list of the winners outside your classroom for the rest of the school to see. Consider asking students to present oral book reports on their favorite books. Ask them if they have changed their behavior or attitudes about litter or the environment.

Write a play or skit:

Students: Write a play or a skit to encourage people not to litter or a play or skit that demonstrates the negative effects litter has on Oklahoma.

Write an acrostic and/or poem:

Students: Write an acrostic and/or a poem that relates to litter.

Teachers: Explain acrostics and different types of poems to your students. Help them compose an acrostic or a poem that relates to litter.

Poetry contest:

Students: Write a poem of any kind that relates to litter. Enter your poem in the classroom poetry contest your teacher has set up for you.

Teachers: Help your students determine what type of poem they would like to write. Make sure they use an anti–litter theme. Set up a poetry contest to involve your classroom or school as a whole. Determine an appropriate award for your students.

Journal writing topics:

Students: Write a journal entry on the anti–litter topic that your teacher assigns to you.

Teachers: Assign your students a journal topic with an anti–litter theme.

HOMENews and MediaKeep Our Land GrandLanguage Art/English Projects