HOMEPublic MeetingsOtherMeeting 07/16/2013
Contact Meeting Coordinator


July 16, 2013

TIME:  6:00 PM
LOCATION:  ODOT Division 8 Headquarters
4002 N. Mingo Valley Expressway
Tulsa, OK 74116


     The Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT), in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is planning future roadway improvements to SH-266, north of the City of Tulsa in Tulsa and Rogers Counties, Oklahoma. The existing highway is a two lane facility, a primary truck route from the Port of Catoosa to US-169 and also serves several commercial entrances along this segment with numerous turning movements. This route has higher than average commuter traffic as well. These factors contribute to a substantial accident history. The project on SH-266 begins east of US-169 at the end of the existing four lane divided roadway section, and extends east approximately 2.5 miles, ending approximately 0.5 miles east of the railroad tracks. The existing road will be widened to the south to construct two additional driving lanes and a center turn lane. The intersections at 129th E. Avenue and 141th E. Avenue will be improved. The bridges at Bird Creek and Bird Creek Overflow will be replaced.


The purpose of this meeting is to inform the public and solicit comments about the proposed improvements to SH-266 beginning east of US-169 and extending east approximately 2.5 Miles.


The purpose of this project is to improve both safety and traffic flow in the area.

HOMEPublic MeetingsOtherMeeting 07/16/2013